SAMAR srl di Panzeri A.& C.

Via L.Gasparotto, 20

20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI)

Tel +39 02-66 048 123-119

Fax +39 02-66 013 699



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“When a company can guarantee the quality of its productions to its customers, whit up - to - date plants, then it does not run the risk of seeing its success vanish.”     A. Panzeri

With its constant technological update, SAMAR Srl has relied ever since the beginning on the quality of its product. Thanks to more than fifty years of experience, the "personal touch" of its workers, and later adopting new technologies always in the forefront of traditional production, (just think that the SAMAR Srl acquired its first turning C.N.C. - lathe since 1974).

Although SAMAR S.r.l is a Limited Liability Company, it is based on a family concept, managed by two brothers. Today the company covers a surface of more than 1000 sq employs 15 workers. The production of owns articles is stabilized in parallel to sub-contract mechanical work. The company policy is flexibility and quality.

SAMAR Srl can therefore look towards its future with great optimism. To further improve its production, SAMAR will continue in what is now a tradition: keeping avant-garde machinery and plants. The company is always very attentive the growing demands of the sector, oreover today it is truly engaged in the emerging request of a bigger market.





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